Explore Creative Sound with the Wise & Compassionate Powers

In this online program we will be sitting in mediumship circle with the wise and compassionate spirits and cosmic entities related to sound. Possible guests can include whale and dolphin people, bird people, the angelic choir and other celestial musicians, the World Tree, the Norse Song Smiths, and others. With these spirit guests we will explore the relationship between sound and creation and develop a greater understanding and practical application of the transformational and creative power of sound. As sound mediums we will explore how to resonate the Song of the Moment.

Prerequisite: Transformational Mediumship or the equivalent training in mediumship circle practice. If you are well-practiced in intuitive perception and are in alignment with Maris’ approach (see below), you can send Maris your qualifications to see if this prerequisite can be waived.

Participants should be in alignment with the ethics of this program:

We develop empowered partnerships with only the most compassionate aspects of spirit in service to the highest good of all sentient beings.

We do not use relationships with spirits or magical practices to infringe upon the boundaries and free will of others.

We maintain personal responsibility, free will, and sovereignty at all times.

We do the work of developing personal integrity and the authentic power that comes from alignment within ourselves and right-relationships with others.


Next offered TBD

Classes will use the Zoom conferencing platform.

Attendance: As this is an experiential ritual program attendance is key. There will very little in didactic content, as time in mediumship circle will be prioritized. Participants are asked to miss no more than two days of class in the interest of maintaining group coherence.

The didactic portion of classes, which in this case will be minimal, will be recorded and available for listening (no downloads) for a limited time after each class. Recordings are not guaranteed and are not substitutes for regular attendance. In order to ensure privacy for participants in a ritual setting, ritual processes will not be recorded.

Rate: TBD

I am offering a limited number of reduced rate slots for those in countries with unfavorable exchange rates (if the full rate is financially prohibitive), those from disenfranchised groups, and those experiencing economic hardship. Contact me if you would like to request a reduced rate with a proposal for what that rate would be in USD.

Class Limit: 16

Registration Deadline: Not taking registrations at this time. This program may be cancelled/rescheduled if a registration minimum is not met by this date. Payments are non-refundable or transferable after this deadline.