Welcome to Living Voice Medicine!
The living voice is a resonance, a wisdom that permeates all things. Here we connect with the living voices of the Earth, the stars, the rivers, the trees, spirit people, the ancestors, and ourselves. Here we listen in the silence for the resonant song and we join the choir.
Online Programs
Living Voice Medicine online programs are designed to approximate in-person ritual learning circles. To this end class sizes are small and many require attendance and engagement. Most classes are real-time with Maris, though self-paced recorded options are now available for Language, Myth, and Magic and Gather at the Well.
Explore the Norse Mysteries
Self-paced video course available on-demand.
Self-paced video course available on-demand.
Starting September 2025
Explore Mediumship with the Sacred Powers
Next offered TBA
Next offered TBA
Starting May 2, 2025
Advanced Training for Ritual Healers
Starting February 2026
Personal Healing Sessions
Work with Maris to clear energetic, ancestral, and karmic blocks, increase personal sovereignty, and connect more deeply to your True Self.
Work with Maris to connect with your own Wise and Well Ancestors, free ancestral blocks, and more fully access your ancestral gifts.
Stay Connected: Private Online Ritual Community & Newsletter Signup
A gathering place for ritual, shared experience, and education facilitated by Maris Bergrune. Community members will have access to ongoing class discussion groups, ritual events facilitated by Maris Bergrune, and special offerings for community members only. The platform includes talk recordings and videos on intuitive development, boundary setting, and mediumship. For those who wish to participate in ritual High Seats – healing transmissions from the Norse powers – those events are mediated through this platform. General membership is free.