Restoring Sovereignty, Clarity, Authentic Power, and Purpose

In these sessions the client brings a healing intention and Maris, and the wise and compassionate healing spirits that work with her, look into illuminating and resolving the energetic causes and contributing factors. These sessions often involve a variety of methods including energy body clearing and assessment, soul part retrieval, the unraveling of negative recurring patterns, mediated ancestral healing, and compassionate spirit-release and relocation work. (More on these methods below.) Session work often involves following the energetic threads of resonance with the healing intention and engaging in different forms of spirit-mediated healing as indicated.

Spirit-Mediated Healing can be considered if you are experiencing:

  • Negative emotional states, depression, and/or anxiety which are persistent and largely unresponsive to treatment.
  • Persistent disruptive or dysfunctional patterns in relationships and/or life circumstances.
  • A persistent sense that something is missing from your life; a sense that an aspect of your essential nature has been lost or diminished.
  • Chronic health conditions and patterns of addiction, especially when there is a familial connection or an onset during unusual circumstances.
  • Known ancestral patterns that are influencing your personal life.
  • Trouble maintaining healthy boundaries.

It’s also beneficial if you engage in spirit work yourself or if you just have an ethos of doing this kind of soul-tending.

You’re a good fit for these sessions if you are ready to advocate for your well-being and do what is needed to get there. This is a path of transformation with layers and stages of growth. Some issues are ripe and ready to change and resolve in short periods of time; some issues are complex or more ingrained and take longer to work through. Complex cases may require multiple appointments. Persistence and commitment are key.

The number and pacing of sessions and the timing of integration for individual situations will vary. Integration time is useful to clarify layers of work that could be directly addressed vs. what just needs some time to resolve fully in response to the session work. Maris often recommends at least 3 weeks between sessions.

Because no modality does it all, Maris often recommends Ancestral Lineage Healing (ALH) and Internal Family System (IFS) Therapy for complimentary work. While spirit-mediated healing can include ancestral field work, and can help those struggling to start ALH, if you want to receive the benefits of comprehensive ancestral lineage work ALH is a recommend framework. ALH also gets you in direct contact with your wise and well ancestors, which is a tremendous source of on-going support. For more on this system of work see Maris’s website page on the subject and Ancestral Medicine by Daniel Foor.

IFS is a highly effective modality that helps with the inner-relational aspect of healing, and in Maris’ experience can have a similar effect as soul-part retrieval. It also has structures for working with ancestral burdens, and in some cases non-self energy, so is highly complimentary to spirit-mediated healing. If parts of ourselves are not entirely on board with the healing process there can be inner resistance and backlash from healing work. IFS has a framework for working with these inner dynamics in a positive relational way. For more on this system see No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz.

*This work is not for people who are experiencing unstable mental health conditions and/or who are in crisis.* Kindness to those who are, and Maris recommends working with someone with a background in psychological and trauma support. Maris is not a therapist, she is not trained in trauma support, and does not provide that kind of therapeutic environment. Clients must be resilient and able to tend to their psychological needs before, during, and after sessions.

Maris does not work with urgent-care situations including psychic attack. She does not do forced extraction.

This work can be done in-person or remotely. Remote sessions work as well as in-person sessions for many clients, but are not the best fit for everyone or for every situation. Maris and her spirit team are also not always the best fit for a potential client, or the timing may not be right. If for any reason working together is not a good fit, Maris will provide referrals for alternate practitioners.

Energy Body Reading, Clearing and General Field Work

Often a healing session will start with this step to look into what’s happening currently in your field. A reading of this nature can locate places where you are losing energy, where there are energetic blocks, and where energetic boundaries can be fortified. This process can also lead to soul part or power retrieval, pattern unravelling, and compassionate spirit-release as indicated.

First sessions for people who are new to this kind of work often involve general “field work”. This involves clearing and relocating non-self energies from your energy field, clarifying your boundaries, and doing some preliminary work to strengthen your connection to your True Self and be informed by the intelligence of that field.

Soul Part Retrieval

Sometimes in the course of life we can become dissociated from aspects of ourselves. This state is often called soul part loss as those aspects of ourselves are felt to be missing from present life. Soul part loss can result from physical or psychological trauma, accidents, surgeries, and drug and alcohol use. Soul-part retrieval may be indicated whenever you feel like a part of yourself is missing or difficult to access. A retrieval brings healing to dissociated soul parts and reconnects them to the present. As the work integrates, the qualities the soul parts become manifest in your life.

Energy Bind Unraveling and Resolving Oaths and Soul Contracts

This work looks at the energy binds and limiting conditions that can affect our lives. An energy bind is essentially a fixed and repeating pattern that has been programmed into the energy matrix that informs your life. These can include influences/patterns from past lives and ancestral history. Some energy binds are negative in their intention from the beginning – such as binding spells (curses) that can come from soul and ancestral history as well as current life circumstances. There are also energy binds that act like curses even if they are not intended as such. An example of this is when someone tells you something limiting about yourself and it sticks in your mind, continuing to inform your thoughts and self-image. Indications that energies like curses are in play include persistent “bad luck”, hitting a wall whenever you try to progress in a certain area, repeated family patterns, chronic ill health, and persistent stuckness that does not respond to other forms of intervention.

Other energy binds start out as beneficial, or with beneficial components, that can have a negative influence when out of their original context. For example, someone who has a past life that included oaths of loyalty may find themselves still compelled to be loyal to people who in this lifetime are not appropriate for that role. Other common vows-gone-awry when taken across lifetimes include romantic vows, marriage vows, vows of celibacy, and other religious/spiritual dedications.

There are also vows or bindings that can take place on the level of a greater soul contract. These often have beneficial components as well, but can exceed the time frames needed for the original intention to be completed and can introduce limitations to a person’s life that may no longer be of benefit. Sometimes these contracts can be re-negotiated when still applicable to maximize the benefits and reduce limiting impacts.

In this kind of session work Maris and the helping spirits look for the sources of energy binds and persistent patterns and engages in unravelling and mediation depending on the nature of the bind.

Power Retrieval

Power can be lost when we give it away, often unconsciously, to the past, other people, ideologies, and disempowering beliefs. Energy binds and contracts in either a person’s soul history or ancestry can also result in power drains. A power retrieval finds incidents of lost authentic power and restores it. Sometimes this process involves releasing the benefits of power supplied by external sources.

Mediated Ancestral Healing

Persistent negative patterns or issues we face in life can be ancestral in origin – passed down in lineages due to unresolved trauma and manifested as troubles in living family. Everyone has wise and well ancestors that can be called on to bring healing to ancestral troubles and support and resources to their living descendants. In this context Maris petitions the client’s well ancestors, with permission, on their behalf. This is not the Ancestral Lineage Healing process where the client interacts directly with their ancestors and works through the lineages systematically. This method targets specific areas of trouble that are impacting the client and relevant to their healing intentions in session.

Entanglement, Overshadowing, and Psychopomp Work

The term “psychopomp” refers to the process whereby souls transition after death, or more generally to any process that involves the healing and relocation of a spirit, human or otherwise. In psychopomp work, if the soul of a deceased person or other form of spirit is detected in the field of a client, they are assisted by compassionate helping spirits to receive healing and be relocated to their true homes and next phase of life.

When spirits are entangled in someone’s energy field, affecting how they feel, think, and/or act, this is called overshadowing. Spirit entanglement happens for a number of reasons. Sometimes it is incidental; many spirits are not aware that they are in the space of another conscious person. Sometimes entanglement is the result of soul history or ancestral contacts with other-than-human spirits. In this case the awareness of the spirit is an opportunity to resolve karmic and ancestral debt. It is normal, if usually undesirable, to experience overshadowing as our perceptual fields of consciousness do not always distinguish between our own thoughts and emotions and those of other beings in our vicinity. In cultures that do not recognize the existence of non-corporeal spirits, and that tend toward psychological frameworks for relating to personal experience, this can be an overlooked condition. But when overshadowing is a factor it can be dealt with directly and in many cases relatively easily. The compassionate spirit-release process helps the client and the spirit separate, receive healing and resolution when possible, and in the case of the spirit, return to their true home.