Oracular Mediumship Circles

Mediumship circles are opportunities to have a direct experience of the consciousness of spirit people, learn more about them and life from their perspectives, and better understand the place of humanity within the greater scope of world wisdom. The mediumship circle helps individual sitters develop their clair-senses and work with imaginal constructs to enhance personal practice. Sitters have the opportunity to receive healing and blessing transmissions and attune to resonances of wisdom, compassion, sovereignty, and other qualities of consciousness the spirit people reflect to us. In this form of sitting, all of the sitters in a circle give voice to their perceptions, creating tapestries of wisdom made from different threads. While it is a group process, we maintain personal boundaries within a group synergistic field. Further instructions on the process are given at the beginning of each class.

In these classes we invite only the most compassionate and wise aspects of the spirits in the interest of developing wisdom, broader perspective, and engaging the cosmic dynamic of reciprocity between the realms. We practice conscious, embodied, consensual mediumship meaning we do not leave our bodies and go unconscious for this practice, and we are free to extend and revoke the invitation to connect with spirit guests. We practice conscious-to-conscious mediumship, a connection to the spirit guest that is not internal to our bodies; this form of mediumship does not involve the embodiment of spirits.

Some degree of confidence with intuitive perception is useful, though the mediumship circle can also provide structure for developing your intuitive perception. All levels are welcome, and those newer to it are encouraged to read my articles on intuitive perception in advance and have expectations according to your level of experience.

The descriptions of the classes only refer to possible guests to provide a frame of reference for the focal topic. A class can engage deity figures, elder beings, animal spirits, plant spirits, magical/mythical beings, and cosmic beings and places as they relate to the focal topic. To allow the ritual space to go beyond what I know or can plan, the spirits will be determining the final rosters.

Mediumship with the Elements and Elementals

Elements and elemental beings are at work (and play) all around us as part of the landscape, manifest reality, and our own compositional being. In this circle we will be meeting with earth, air, fire, and water as primordial energies of wisdom to deepen our understanding of how they function in ourselves and the world. We will also engage elemental beings to learn more about their purposes in life and how we can be in right-relationship with them.

In each meeting we will engage with the basic element as well as representatives of elemental people associated with that element through the mediumship circle method. Participants should have some experience with intuitive perception and the ability to maintain healthy boundaries in a group. (There are practices for strengthening personal boundaries and information for those newer to intuitive perception on my free private platform and on the articles page of this website.) Between meetings participants will be encouraged to explore a landscape in their area and invite increased awareness of the elementals living there. Time permitting we will also explore how elementals work together as part of the vital energy and consciousness of place.

This class is online and in real-time. As this is an experiential course, attendance is required except in the case of illness, emergency, or important life events. Recordings are not guaranteed and will be available for a limited time.


Next offered TBD


Circle Limit: 10 Participants

Registration Deadline: If a minimum registration number is not met by this date the class may be rescheduled. Payment is non-refundable or transferable after this date.

Note on registration: The registration button below will take you to my scheduler. Choose your time zone and the first date of class and then follow the prompts. (The other dates will not show up, and the “hours” are also not the compete hours of the class. This is an artifact of my using the scheduler differently than how it is set up.) You will be sent a Zoom link a few days before the first class. This link will be used for all meetings. At that time you will also receive instructions for accessing the private online platform.

Explorations in Mediumship and Creativity: with the Creative Spirits

Key components to both mediumship and creativity are the ability to connect to the greater wisdom around us and be in the flow. This relationship is already present in our language – to be inspired means to be “in spirit”, and creative genius was not something you were but rather someone you had a relationship with – a guiding and inspiring spirit. We do not create in isolation, rather we co-create with spirit. In this series we will engage practices of creative flow and co-create with spirits associated with creative energy itself.

For the mediumship component of this course we will engage in the mediumship circle method developed by Betsy Bergstrom. This course will include an overview of this method during which Maris will explain the process and boundaries. We will be engaging in consensual, consciousness-to-consciousness mediumship with the spirit guests. This form of mediumship does not involve the direct embodiment of spirits. Participants will be expected to follow the guidelines and engage only in this form of mediumship during the group process.

We will also be engaging additional practices that help with creative and intuitive flow. Whatever modalities you engage in artistically and intuitively, these practices help you get more “in the flow” and connected to your Genius – the part of you that co-creates with spirit and goes beyond the habitual norm.

Some degree of confidence with intuitive perception is useful, though these practices are also good for intuitive development. All levels are welcome, and those newer to it are encouraged to read my articles on intuitive perception in advance and have expectations according to your current level of experience.

Participants will engage in creative flow practices, optional dream incubation nights, and their personal creative projects between sessions and in ways inspired by the mediumship sittings. Participants are asked to share at least once a week on the private platform some element of their personal process.


This course is held live, online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided the week before the first class.

Dates: TBD

A private online platform space will be provided for creative sharing and posting of the mediumship notes.


Registration deadline:  Payments are non-refundable or transferable after this date. The class may be cancelled or rescheduled if a minimum registration has not been met. Registrations are still accepted after this date up to the class limit of about 10 participants.

The Mantles of Mary

Mother Mary is associated with Christianity but her divine aspect has roots in much older goddesses, other “Queens of Heaven” and “Virgin” creator goddesses, all versions of the Magna Mater, the Great Mother whose symbols and epithets Mother Mary would assume as veneration of those older goddesses diminished over time. As Christianity spread, representations of Mary would also replace those of the local goddesses associated with the rivers, forests, mountains, lakes, and healing springs. But the presences of those goddesses remained, and devotions to Mary – both Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene – provided a way for those connections to continue in the form of the veneration of “Our Ladies” of place. In this class we will be using the mediumship circle method to have a direct experience of connection with some of the divine aspects of Mary which can include: the Black Madonna, the Queen of Heaven, Parthenos, Star of the Sea, Mary Untier of Knots, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the various other Our Ladies.

An additional element of this course will include a framework based on the book The Way of the Rose by Clark Strand and Perdita Finn. Reading this book is highly recommended for a fuller context of this component of the course, but not required. One of Mary’s titles is Our Lady of the Rosary. The rosary is an extension of the custom of making flower garlands for a goddess. Participants can opt to make or purchase rosaries, and work with that framework of prayer. Participants can modify traditional forms of prayers to create versions most suitable for them.

Location: Online via Zoom

Attendance Policy:  This class is small and in real-time. It requires attendance and engagement. Participants are expected to prioritize attendance and avoid missing whenever possible. Recordings (no downloads) will be provided to compensate for missed classes but are not intended to replace regular attendance and engagement.

Schedule: TBD


Registration deadline: Payments are non-refundable or transferable after TBD. The class may be cancelled or rescheduled if a minimum registration has not been met by this date. If the class is cancelled payments will be refunded in full. Registrations are still accepted after this date up to a class limit of about 10 participants.

Note on registration: The registration button below will take you to my scheduler. Choose your time zone and the first date of class and then follow the prompts. (The other dates will not show up, and the “hours” are also not the compete hours of the class. This is an artifact of my using the scheduler differently than how it is set up.) You will be sent a Zoom link a few days before the first class. This link will be used for all meetings. At that time you will also receive instructions for accessing the private online platform.

This course opened my eyes to my potential to re-engage with the wise and compassionate aspects of Christianity. More importantly, it made me realize that, by vilifying Christianity (and all of its symbols and representatives), I had cut myself off from a rich and revolutionary branch in the stream of ancient wisdom. 
As is always the case with anything that Maris facilitates, this course is non-dogmatic and experiential in nature. Each participant has total freedom to take what they like and leave the rest. I heartily recommend it to anyone hoping to expand their understanding of ancient and universal wisdom, and to begin to heal their own “Christian wounds”.

This class is great for those of us who are ‘decidedly not Christian’ but have grown up within the indoctrination of the dominant religion of Christianity. Meeting the “Christian powers” on their own terms and in their own voices, outside of the projections of the patriarchal structures this religion now is, opens up a pantheon of deities that are surprising fascinating, and brings to light the amazingly powerful spirit allies and helpers we can connect with directly.  This class is also a wonderful reconciliation for those of us who have Christian ancestors, especially when when doing any ancestral lineage repair work, both as clients and as practitioners. Maris is a gifted and generous teacher and holder of space, and I would recommend this class …even if you, like me, do major eye rolls at the mention of JC and anything ‘Christian’.