I found great connection and support from my ancestors – who would have thought it!
Tara - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I felt seen and cared for in a room full of people, which was such a safe place while exploring with my ancestors.
Jennifer - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I can clearly feel not only how [the work] benefits me directly, but I am also aware of concentric rings of wellness spreading out into the world. I have a sense of groundedness and interconnectedness I have never had before.
Rachel - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
This experience was amazing! I felt such a sense of belonging, respect, and caring about my experience!
Laura - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I no longer feel overwhelmed at the notion of being in right relationship to my ancestors.
Erin - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
“I love getting this information. I had no idea we have these traditions in my ancestry. I’m so grateful for this knowledge and feel so enriched! Thank you for your service!”
Women of Wisdom Conference Participant
I believe that it was [the facilitators’] earnest, authentic leads and responses that demystified the subject so beautifully and opened my heart to traverse inner landscapes of intense healing and shift.
Jennifer - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I felt deeply heard and lovingly cared for during this time along with my ancestors.
Paula - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
When I contemplate being of service now, I feel not a sense of burden and work, but shared joy.
Rachel - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I feel connected and empowered to do this work. I have gained tools and support to do work that is causing a deep, beautiful shift within me.
Jennifer - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
Links to Articles
Links to Podcast Interviews
Winter Solstice 2018 with Maris and Larisa Noonan
Numinous Podcast: Norse Ritual Animism and Seiðr 2021
Contact: livingvoicemedicine@gmail.com