About Soul Part Retrieval
Soul part retrieval is a process that helps people reconnect with their authentic selves. Over the course of life, due to various life circumstances, we can become dissociated from aspects of our authentic nature (called soul parts). Sometimes this happens just as the result of adapting to the households and cultures we grow up in. For example a joyful child living in a home with depressed adults may suppress their exuberance in order to fit in better with the household dynamic. An artistic child may be encouraged to give up their art, or may give it up in response to life circumstances. We can also lose aspects of our authentic selves through traumatic events and circumstances, the loss of a loved one, relationship dynamics, and accidents. Essentially whenever we feel like a part of us is diminished or missing, soul retrieval work can help us re-associate with those aspects of ourselves.
Indications of soul part loss include:
– lack of vitality and creativity
– chronic depression and/or anxiety
– lack of presence in your life, tendencies to check out
– feeling like you don’t have access to the full spectrum of human experience
– lack of a sense of core self, poor boundaries
– lack of personal strength, sense of personal power
– suicidal ideation/intent or fixation on death
– addictions and the regular use of substances to avoid life
– lack of resolution from past relationships
– you just feel drawn to the process
In the soul part retrieval process, the practitioner works with your healing intention and retrieves the relevant soul parts, making that energy available in the present. They will tell you what ages of soul parts have returned, information about the situation that led to their dissociation when available, and what if anything is needed for integration of that aspect of self into your current life. The soul retrieval process will also include clearing of energy that is not yours, or no longer useful to you, out of your energy field.
For the soul part retrieval process to be successful, recipients must be willing to receive their soul parts and do any integration work indicated. Soul retrieval work is not generally recommended for those with unstable mental health conditions or those with substantial active trauma which can hinder the process of receiving and integrating the work. In some cases concurrent work with a therapist may be required.
The integration process after a soul part retrieval can vary. In some cases follow-up work may be recommended though usually after a period of integration. Soul part retrievals are usually limited to about four soul parts per year to allow time for integration into your current life. Integration can include working with other modalities such as counseling and body work, though not all cases require professional support. Sometimes integration is just being mindful of the aspects of yourself that returned and tending to your personal growth over a period of time.
Apply to be a Client
Thank you for your interest in being a client for the Advanced Ritual Healing Training!
In exchange for receiving healing session work, practicum clients are willing to share their personal information and process with the training group. Practicum clients will be assigned to a practitioner-in-training, and their session may be observed and supported by other trainees and Maris. If you know a trainee, and were referred to this site through them, you may only be paired with that trainee as practitioner if you are NOT a friend or family member. Friends and family members will be assigned to other trainees, though your friend/family member can be present as a support person for your session at your discretion.
Please fill out the form below. Skip any questions that do not pertain to your personal history. Please note that your information will be shared within the training group and potentially for the benefit of future trainings in the form of an anonymous case study. If you don’t want to include certain information in the form please reply with “will discuss in session”. However, we will not have time for a full verbal intake in session, so please provide as much information as possible in the questionnaire. I recommend copying and pasting to a saved document any long responses in case the form doesn’t go through, which is rare but does happen on occasion.
Once Maris has received your form she will send you a confirmation of receipt and after reviewing your information will provide scheduling options if taking your case works for the training at this time. Practicums happen on some Friday afternoons Pacific Time between 1:00 and 5:00pm.
Feel free to email Maris with any questions you have in advance.