I no longer feel overwhelmed at the notion of being in right relationship to my ancestors.
Erin - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
This experience was amazing! I felt such a sense of belonging, respect, and caring about my experience!
Laura - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I can clearly feel not only how [the work] benefits me directly, but I am also aware of concentric rings of wellness spreading out into the world. I have a sense of groundedness and interconnectedness I have never had before.
Rachel - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I found great connection and support from my ancestors – who would have thought it!
Tara - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
“It was a sacred, magical, and powerful space. I loved this!”
Women of Wisdom Conference Participant
When I contemplate being of service now, I feel not a sense of burden and work, but shared joy.
Rachel - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
I felt seen and cared for in a room full of people, which was such a safe place while exploring with my ancestors.
Jennifer - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
[The facilitators] created a safe, fun-serious, all inclusive, loving, container. They know their ancestral medicine and taught me so much.
Erin - Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive
“I love getting this information. I had no idea we have these traditions in my ancestry. I’m so grateful for this knowledge and feel so enriched! Thank you for your service!”
Women of Wisdom Conference Participant
“This was a tremendously moving experience. These women are very skillful and powerful, and you should have them back.”
Women of Wisdom Conference Participant
Links to Articles
Links to Podcast Interviews
Winter Solstice 2018 with Maris and Larisa Noonan
Numinous Podcast: Norse Ritual Animism and Seiðr 2021