Maris Bergrune is a ritual animist, spirit worker, and singer/musician. She specializes in relational and systemic healing and relational connection through mediumistic perception. Maris is a practitioner of seiðr (a Norse-based practice), oracular mediumship, sound channeling, ancestral and soul healing, energy bind unraveling, compassionate depossession work, and constellation facilitation. Maris is a certified Ancestral Lineage Healing practitioner and a teacher of Compassionate Depossession as developed by Betsy Bergstrom. Her known ancestors come from Switzerland, Germany, and England, with suspected additional connections to Wales, Poland, and France.
In college Maris studied neurobiology and was planning on becoming a college professor before life took a turn when she met her first spiritual teacher through a series of synchronicities. Maris started exploring spirit-mediated healing through her own healing process, in particular seeking relief from long-term depression, and discovered that she had a predilection and passion for the work herself. Many years of training, mentorship, personal healing, and practice development ensued.
Maris’ practice is characterized by the intention to partner with the most wise and compassionate aspects of spirit to foster relational harmony between humankind, our ancestors, and our other-than-human kin. She helps clients and students develop healthy and sustainable relationships with the spirit world with an emphasis on boundaries, discernment, and self-sovereignty. Her healing practice looks at systemic and historic causes of manifesting issues and facilitates the potential resolution of those issues through greater resourcing, witnessing, and specialized support. Maris’ approach is grounded and practical; these practices are not ways to bypass the challenges of humanity, but are rather ways to be deeply resourced when facing these challenges. Maris has been in practice since 2005.
Maris has Master’s Degrees in neurobiology and acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. In 2013 she co-founded Seattle Seiðr (2013 – 2017), an organization that offered training in seiðr practice and public ceremony. Maris has a self-published book of short stories called In the Beginning, and a book of poetry called A Song to Help Me Rise.
Gratitude to all of my teachers in spirit, wisdom, and life.
Core shamanic healing and ritual training with Char Sundust (2005-2011)
Basic and Advanced Compassionate Depossession and Teacher Training with Betsy Bergstrom (2013 and 2020)
Basic and Advanced Curse Unravelling with Betsy Bergstrom (2013 and 2023)
Norse Seiðr and Mediumship with Betsy Bergstrom (2012)
Ritual and dream-work with Sarah McLean Bicknell
Sound Healing with Tom Kenyon (2011)
Certified Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner with Daniel Foor (2017-2018)
Family, Human, and Natural Systems Constellation and Constellation as Ceremony Facilitator Training with Francesca Mason Boring (2024)