Grow in Intuitive Skill and Confidence – Access the Creative Power of the Imaginal Realm
This online program is designed to help those newer to intuitive perception build intuitive skill and confidence. Participants will be taught practices to cultivate their intuitive faculties including methods to:
- Create structure, boundaries, and intentional focus.
- Increase clarity of perception and perceptual discernment.
- Develop your clair-senses.
- Support and clarify your energy body.
- Encourage intuitive connection and flow.
- Manage unhelpful blocks and pitfalls.
- Connect with wise and compassionate guiding spirits and your own Wise and True Self.
To develop intuitive skill it is useful to have a platform by which to exercise intuitive perception. Participants will exercise their intuitive faculties through the use of imaginal interfaces, by which we co-create with the imaginal realm, and through group intuitive circle practice. These methods enable us to access greater creative resourcing and support from wise and compassionate guiding spirits and our own Wise and True Selves. This resourcing is a source of fortification, guidance, and support for walking the path of life.
Perhaps even more importantly in this day and age, the intuitive faculty is a communication line that taps us into the web of life, giving us direct experience of being a part, just a part, of a greater “ecosystem” of wisdom. The ability to listen and respond to the other-than-human people of the Earth is an essential component in the de-conditioning of the human-centric perceptual and behavioral habits that have led to great destruction of the natural order.
Participants, especially those newer to intuitive perception practice, must have a tolerance for discomfort and uncertainty which are a common part of the initial stages of intuitive development. For some the group intuitive circle practice, which involves giving voice to what you are perceiving, may be a growth edge. If your intuitive faculty is not yet strong or clear, you will need to be willing to work at the stage you are at. This course will give you tools for developing intuitive clarity and confidence over time.
This course is for you if you:
- Are new to intuitive perception and want to develop that skill.
- Could use more focus and discernment with your intuitive perception.
- Are not new to intuitive perception but want tools for further developing your practice, taking care of your energy body, and working with imaginal reality.
- Want a platform in which to exercise your intuitive faculty and increase confidence.
- Want support in the sometimes uncomfortable and insecure initial phase of intuitive development.
- You are interested in taking one of Maris’s other courses but are not yet comfortable (enough) with intuitive perception.
More about me and my approach:
I grew up in a secular, very non-spiritual household and didn’t start using my intuition intentionally until my late 20’s. In hindsight I could say I was perceptive beyond the “ordinary” but I did not have a framework for it, aside from representations in fiction, and there was no ground for discussion about it in my childhood environments. The closest I ever got to that was a camp counselor who was psychic and perceived deceased people and scared the bejeebus out of my cabin-mates by sharing some of her stories. But I still did not put the pieces together and think I was also perceiving that sort of thing, even though I had a long standing history of sleeping with my head under the covers because of my awareness of spirits in my bedroom (a realization I had with hindsight). Then in my late 20’s I met my first spiritual teacher and all of that changed, though it took several years for me to be able to say I was comfortable with intuitive perception and able to effectively apply it.
I still remember what it was like to go through that transition, and I witnessed many of my classmates going through much the same. It wasn’t that we weren’t intuitive already – we were – but we were also strongly culturally conditioned to dismiss intuitive perception so we got in our own way. We perpetually doubted what we were perceiving and dismissed it as “unreal”. It took time to adjust to the nature of that form of perception – which can be directed but not controlled to the consternation of the egoic self – and to learn what to pay attention to and how to apply discernment that was not rooted in conditioned doubt.
Intuitive clarity and discernment can take time to develop. This development involves us becoming clearer and more discerning within ourselves about what is self, non-self, and where our perceptual input comes from. It is not just about tapping into spirit guides and getting outside input – though that is a component. Intuition is also about our ability to tap into the deeper truths that come from our own wisdom nature. In this course we will be working from both angles – connecting with quality external input and cleansing the perceptual filters of our inner environment to allow our wisdom natures to shine through more brightly.
For more on my approach to intuition see these articles.
Not currently taking registrations – check back at the end of October.
Schedule: TBA
Attendance: As this is a small, real-time, experiential ritual course attendance and engagement is required. Participants will be expected to prioritize real-time attendance and schedule around class meeting dates whenever possible. Participants are required to be on time to class, which in some cases may mean being ready a few minutes in advance to allow time for Zoom to connect. Classes will use the Zoom conferencing platform, accessible from computers, tablets, or phones.
Rate: $1100 USD. Payment is non-refundable or transferable after the registration deadline. Participants will be given a discount code to book private Spirit-Mediated Healing sessions with Maris for the duration of the program at a discounted rate – though her usual practice restrictions apply so sessions are not guaranteed.
Early Registration Discount: Register by December 15th for a $100 discount.
Class Limit: 15 participants
Registration Deadline: January 6, 2024. This program may be cancelled/rescheduled if a registration minimum is not met by this date. Payment is non-refundable or transferable after this date.